Healing Shades

Life can be challenging at times and that's why we believe there should be a safe space for everyone to voice their feelings. Healing shades provides space for individuals from around the world to come and share their experiences and feelings. Our focus is to empower you to take control of your life, find happiness and reach a tranquil state of mind. The journey towards healing is not always easy, but we believe that every shade of emotion experienced is itself a step towards growth and self-discovery.

So, help us help you! come and join us, as we embark on this transformative journey together.

Sarah Ansari

Life Coach | Wellbeing Practitioner

M.S. Psychology (GCU) | Certified NLP Practitioner |
Certified Time Line Therapist | Certified NLP Master
Coach (ABNLP)

Hi! This is Sarah Ansari, your Psychologist and a Life Coach working for the well-being of people. I believe in facilitating clients towards their own hidden strengths using a holistic approach. Almost everyone has the potential of seeing their abilities while accepting themselves unconditionally. They need to be provided with a space where they are heard with empathy and acceptance.

I know, through my personal journey that it takes a lot of courage to open yourself up in front of a new person. The art is to take up a challenge, plunging into the waters of trust. A good competent Coach would build a connection with the client. This trust helps the client in opening up to the window of inner journey.

Therapeutic sessions have personally helped me in knowing about myself better. Self -awareness is like building a new relationship with yourself. The more steps I took towards healing, exploring myself, the calmer person I became. It was like making peace with my own self which led to becoming my own friend. It’s very liberating and a light feeling when one starts enjoying their own company without any attachments. Knowing yourself and embracing your emotions can help you in evolving into a strong, confident, compassionate and a self accepting person.

Shama Jabir

Life Coach | Mental Health Professional

Certified NLP Professional | Certified Time Line
Therapist | Certified NLP Master Coach (ABNLP) |
CPCAB Counsellor

My name is Shama, and I’m passionate about guiding people to reimagine life, and live it more abundantly. I am a certified NLP coach, therapist and counsellor.
I spent 18 years working in corporate sector where I worked for world’s renowned multinational organizations and helped them grow and thrive. But during this process of making them successful, somehow I lost myself and started questioning who I really am? What do I need from life? What makes me happy? and after a lot of my own healing and transformative work, I came to understand that I was missing some critical pieces of my own self. This resulted in loneliness, fear of abandonment, anxiety and continuous stress.

Once I was able to identify those missing parts, the process of growth began. With each passing day my life perspective got changed and my relationships got better and my life gained more peace, and meaning. I am now dedicated to helping others discover this rich and meaningful life. It is never too late for anyone! I am passionate to help people overcome their stress, anger, lack of self-esteem, fear of abandonment and failure, performance at workplace issues, relationship issues, sadness, grief, loss, food addictions and phobias.

If you are interested in exploring this path towards wholeness for yourself, book a free session with me, we can work together to design a path towards your own healing and growth.

Ready To Heal?

Feeling better starts with a single message

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